Dominican Sister of Amityville Peggy McVetty, OP Returns from Puerto Rico
The Prioress of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville, Sister Peggy McVetty, returned from Puerto Rico on January 26th telling of the damage from the Earthquake that hit there on January 11th, 2020. She visited the Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima in southern Puerto Rico. They sustained damage to their Motherhouse and General House in Guannica. Currently, seven sisters are living on the grounds in tents to help the people there recover. An expansive tent has been set up to distribute donated food and clothes to those in need. The Sisters also have a small “Capillo,” a makeshift chapel which contains the Blessed Sacrament. Please keep this community in your prayers. Along with recovering from the earthquake, it recently lost one their members, S. Magdalena, in a car accident.