Open to ALL Dominicans & Candidates Held on 2nd Tuesday of the month in the evening, 7-8:30 PM ET, 6-7:30 CT, 5-6:30 MT, 4-5:30 PT, along with two special Saturday dates, 11 AM-1 PM ET, 10 AM-noon CT, 9-11 AM MT, 8 -10 AM PT.
September 10, 2024, Introduction & Discernment. Facilitated by Associate Mare Wheeler (Racine). Tech Support: Lisa Mitchell (Grand Rapids)
September 28, 2024, “A Dominican Charism Retreat.” A Saturday AM Retreat led by S. Marilyn Jean Runkel, OP (Springfield). Tech Support: Cecelia Amendolia (Peace)
October 8, 2024, The Life, Spirit & Mission of St. Dominic – DCI (Sister & Associate’s Reflection). Facilitated by Joan Sorge OP (Springfield). Tech Support: Mare Wheeler (Racine)
November 12, 2024, 4 Pillars: Dominican Spirituality – (Sister’s & Associate’s Reflection). Facilitated by Associate Lisa Mitchell (Grand Rapids). Tech Support: Cecelia Amendolia (Peace)
December 10, 2024, The Call to Truth, Catherine of Siena – DCI. Facilitated by Diana Owens (Tacoma). Tech Support: Lisa Mitchell (Grand Rapids)
January 14, 2025, 4 Pillars: the Role of Study in Dominican Life? Facilitated by Associate Sue Smith (Hope). Tech Support: Nancy Brennan (Hope).
February 11, 2025, The Call to Preach-DCI. Facilitated by Associate Carolyn Blasdel (Tacoma).Tech Support: Cecelia Amendolia (Peace)
March 11, 2025, 4 Pillars: The Call to Action – DCI. (Sister & Associate Reflection on Laudato ‘Si, Care of the Earth, Collaboration, Anti-Racism)Facilitated by Associate Judi Engel (Adrian). Tech Support: Sue Smith (Hope)
April 8, 2025, 4 Pillars: Who is My Community? Global Dominican Family facilitated by S. Dusty Farnan (Adrian).Tech Support: Mare Wheeler (Racine)
April 26, 2025,Final Reflection Retreat: How will you live out our Dominican Charism & mission in these changing times? A Saturday AM Retreat, facilitated by Associate Trudy McSorley (Adrian). Tech Support: S. Joan Sorge (Springfield)
Zoom links, readings & follow-up activities will be sent before all sessions.
All OP Sisters, Associates, candidates, inquirers, mentors, guides & sponsors are encouraged to join us, as is anyone who is interested in Dominican life.