Join DVUSA in our Call to Allyship Study Series!

With a bible in one hand and newspaper in the other, Dominicans are called to respond to the needs of the time – and now, more than ever, we are being called to act with rigor, intentionality, and with an anti-racist lens. 

In light of the global pandemic that has hit our society, and has brought to light so many more injustices, DVUSA is committed to engaging fully in our Pillar of Study in order to broaden our liberation work and strengthen our allyship to the communities we serve with. This year, we have decided to extend our Study Series that would usually take place during lent, throughout the year so we can come together each month to engage in reflection, conversation and calls to action. 

Every month, beginning in October, we will share materials on eight topics: Systemic Violence, Access to Healthcare, Immigration, Economic Justice, Education, Climate Change, Peace & Security and Human Trafficking.  The Staff and the DVs will then come together over Zoom to discuss what we have learned and how we are called to respond internally and externally, in order to achieve a more liberated world.

Anti-racist and liberation work requires effort and actions from an entire community and we’d love to extend an invitation to our wider Dominican Family to be part of our Call Allyship Series. If you would like to gather with us every last Monday of the month, beginning October 26, 2020 please fill out this form:

Once we have your information, we will be sure to send out all necessary materials to your email at the beginning of the month. We look forward to gathering with you. Thank you for your support!