Photo of the Week: Dominican Sister of Peace ‘Nadine Buchanan Recognized by Dispatch Media Group’

Dominican Life USA
A web crossroads for the Order of Preachers
Movie Review by Fr. Tom Condon, O.P.
Glenn Close is certainly one of the best American actresses of the last 40 years. In her distinguished career, she has received six Oscar nominations, but has never won. Will her new movie, The Wife, be the movie for which she will win the Oscar? This seems to be the main interest in her new movie.
The Wife, based on a novel by Jane Anderson, tells the story of Joe and Joan Castleman (Jonathan Pryce and Glenn Close). Joe is a celebrated American fiction writer, and Joan is his wife. As the movie begins, Joe and Joan are awakened in the middle of the night by a phone call from Sweden. The caller informs Joe that he has just won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Of course, Joe and Joan are thrilled with the news. Parties are given in their honor as they prepare to travel to Stockholm to receive the honor.
SINSINAWA, Wis.—Native Voices will be held at Sinsinawa Mound Saturday, Oct. 27, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. This conference offers an opportunity to listen and engage with regional American Indian leaders working to restore land, renew their cultural and spiritual traditions, and build just relationships with creation. Meskwaki, Ho Chunk, Navajo and Arapaho speakers and musicians will give voice to their contemporary lives and struggles and speak to their culture and history.
COLUMBUS, OH – More than 1.4 million people, the vast majority which are elderly, live in America’s 15,000+ nursing homes. More than 1.5 million nursing professionals care for those seniors – but the work is not easy.1 Industry wide, staff turnover among nursing home employees ranges between 55 and 75%2, at a cost of $22,000 and $63,000 per individual.
Mohun Health Care Center, a long-term nursing facility in Columbus, OH, founded by the Dominican Sisters of Peace, is bucking the turnover trend. Fewer than 17% of staff members leave the organization per year. This is one reason why Mohun has been recognized by Leading Age Ohio with their newest award – the Award for Workplace Excellence.
COLUMBUS, OH – In his April, 2018 apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate, Pope Francis called them the “saints next door….” those who, unrecognized and unsung, work to help their neighbors and better their communities.
On Tuesday, September 17, 25 of these “saints next door” were honored as “Everyday Heroes” by the Dispatch Media Group in Columbus, OH. Among those everyday heroes was Sister Nadine Buchanan, a Dominican Sister of Peace who lives at the Columbus Motherhouse.
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