Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa: Sisters Quincy and Nicole Make First Profession of Vows
SINSINAWA, Wis.—“What do you ask?” “The mercy of God and yours.” With those words, Sisters Quincy Howard, OP, and Nicole Reich, OP, began the ritual of making their first profession of vows with the Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation Sunday, July 30, at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Prioress Toni Harris, OP, affirmed the newly professed Sisters. Sister Toni quoted the “Sinsinawa Dominican Constitution,” saying, “With every new member, ‘we, the congregation, open ourselves to her influence and to the Spirit speaking in her, just as she undertakes continuing conversion into membership. Together, we enter a process of change that carries our past into the promise of the future.’ We welcome your profession!”