Dominican Sisters of Caldwell Send Forth Gina Scaringella to Novitiate

On Sunday, August 6th, the Dominican Sisters of Caldwell held the Rite of Reception into the Novitiate for Gina Scaringella. A native of Fairfield, New Jersey, Gina was welcomed last fall for a period of candidacy during which she prepared herself by further developing spiritual, intellectual and relational gifts under the direction of Sister Marie Mueller, OP, Candidate Director, and the rest of the Formation Team.

Gina has lived with, and shared community with, the sisters at Sacred Heart Convent since November 2016. While at Sacred Heart, she participated in praying the Office, contemplative sitting, house discussions, celebrations and daily life. She also participated at the congregational level by attending jubilee celebrations, study days, conversation circles and, most recently, our Extraordinary Chapter this past June.
On Sunday, amidst sisters, associates, family and friends, Gina took the next step in her journey toward fully embracing the Dominican life. This Friday, she will join the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate in St. Louis for further reflection, deepening spirituality and experiencing what it means to be part of the Dominican family.

Gina’s father and two brothers stood with the Congregation, and with arms outstretched over Gina, sang the “Dominican Blessing.” Participating in the enthusiasm of a new seeker enlivens the whole Congregation while at the same time challenges all to be what we proclaim.
Welcome, Gina!