Featured Articles
‘Dominican Sisters of Peace Sansbury Care Center Honored’
Sansbury Care Center, a long-term care facility for religious and lay women and a ministry of the Dominican Sisters of Peace, has been honored by The Business and Professional Women organization of Springfield, KY with the 2017 Business Promoting Women Award.
Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose: ‘Dominicans Together’ on Laudato Si
October 14, 2017, provided an opportunity for collaboration and mission driven conversation among Dominican sisters and lay guests at Mission San Jose motherhouse on Laudato Si: A story of Right Relationships. Key presenter, Pat Siemen, OP, Adrian Dominican and civil attorney, gave an overview of Pope Francis’ encyclical which focuses on the long term ecological and spiritual health of all humans and all members of Earth community. Sister Pat was joined by two lay women, Andra Yeghoian and Erica Kudyba, who spoke on ways to educate via academic curriculum and to initiate parish ‘Green Teams.’ Pat Siemen was joined by a number of Adrian Dominicans, along with Oakford and Mission San Jose Dominicans.
Dominican Sister of Grand Rapids Megan McElroy, OP Earns Doctor of Ministry in Preaching
GRAND RAPIDS, MI, October 12, 2017 – The Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids are pleased to announce that Megan McElroy, OP has successfully completed her studies and admirably defended, completed, and presented her thesis at Aquinas Institute, St. Louis, MO.
Over the past five years, while being the Co-Director of the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate, Sr. Megan has been taking classes, pondering the call to praise, to bless and to preach, interviewing Dominican nuns, and writing about the Holy Preaching happening in our world.
Photo of the Week: North American Delegation for the International Dominican Commission for Justice & Peace
“The International Dominican Commission for Justice & Peace (IDCJP) met in Geneva and Estavayer-le-Lac in Switzerland September 28 – October 3. In the past three years, the Commission has been meeting annually to animate the work of justice and peace. This was the first meeting of the Commission to include the full complement of representatives of the Dominican Family.” Read more