Photo of the Week: The New Dominican Sisters Intenational (DSI) Coordinating Council Met at Santa Sabina

Dominican Life USA
A web crossroads for the Order of Preachers
Columbus, OH – The Dominican Sisters of Peace, a locally-based Congregation of vowed religious Sisters that celebrated its Tenth Anniversary in 2019, is grateful and blessed to announce that they have received a $1,400 grant from the Catholic Foundation to support vocation and discernment programs at their recently-opened House of Welcome on the east side of the city.
The House of Welcome, sometimes called a House of Discernment, is a community specifically intended to welcome women who are considering entering the Dominican Sisters of Peace. Women in discernment might visit for a few days to experience community life, and Candidates who have entered the Congregation may live there while in the first step of her formation.
Louisville, KY – Dominican Sister of Peace Helen Cahill, OP, was honored with the Mary Emil Penet, IHM Award at a gala dinner during the 2019 Religious Formation Conference (RFC) National Congress on October 25, 2019. This award recognizes those who have made a significant contribution to formation ministry, honoring one who demonstrates a substantial commitment to and investment of energy and insight into the formative journey of religious sisters and brothers.
Sister Helen has been engaged in formation ministry for many years. She has shown a particular interest in the professional preparation and supervision of formators and in the area of ongoing formation, offering the RFC’s Orientation to Formation workshop at a number of times.
The International Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace (IDCJP) recently held its annual meeting at the Casa per Ferie Enrico de Osso in Rome, 12-17 October. Comprising the friar and sister international and regional/continental J&P promoters, representatives of the Dominican nuns, laity, youth and UN delegations, the Commission was blessed to have a long conversation with the new Master of the Order, Fr. Gerard Timoner. Building on the decisions of the recent General Chapter in Vietnam, he affirmed the promotion of justice and peace, not as a specialized work, but as the work of all Christians and therefore of all Dominicans. He highlighted the importance of also promoting it ad intra – within the Order, to restore our relationships as brothers and sisters, and to proclaim it with joy. The lack of justice and peace in our communities obstructs vocation.
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