Meeting of the International Dominican Commission of Justice and Peace, Nairobi, Kenya
The meeting of the International Commission of the Dominican Order for Justice and Peace (IDJPC) was held in Nairobi Kenya from 2 to 5 October 2023. Present were the General Promoter, Br Aniedi Okure, and Sr Durstyne Farnan, representative at the United Nations of the Dominican Sisters Conference, together with the regional promoters of the brothers and delegates of the sisters, lay people and the Dominican Youth Movement IDYM from the five continents. For the North American Region, Br Brendan Curran and Sr Reg McKillip were present.
On 2nd Oct., after greetings from the Dominican Family in Kenya, work began with an introduction by the General Promoter, Aniedi Okure, who spoke on some of the challenges of justice and peace on the African continent.
In the afternoon the regional delegates presented reports from the individual regions based on the reports received: Africa, Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and Latin America.
The morning of 3rd Oct. was devoted to a discussion on wars and conflicts in our time, and the delegates of the Dominican Family of Latin America presented material for the month of prayer for peace on the Amazon – December 2023.
In the afternoon there was a discussion on the major challenges of justice and peace in the different regions and the ways in which the Dominican Family can respond.
On 4th Oct. a session was devoted to identifying some of the Commission’s work and commitment goals for the coming year, followed by a report on the Mosaiko project for the promotion of human rights in Angola.

On 5th Oct., the Commission participated in a working session at the UN headquarters in Nairobi dealing with environmental issues.
After a visit to the parish of the Dominican friars of St. Catherine, there was an evaluation of the work and the closure of the meeting.
The annual meeting of the IDJPC was a moment of exchange and knowledge of the commitment of the Order in its various entities around the world and offered opportunities to learn about situations of injustice and suffering together with the many actions and projects underway by the Dominican Family to promote justice, peace and care for creation.
This year, the month of prayer for peace will be dedicated to Amazonia and will be an opportunity to promote moments of prayer, knowledge and solidarity with the Dominican Family in Amazonia, and also to accept Pope Francis’ call for an ecological conversion and a commitment to integral ecology.

Brendan Curran, OP
Reg McKillip, OP
Co-Promoters for North America