Advent Reflections: God of the Unexpected

Advent is a season of reflection on the amazing mystery of Emanuel, Divine Life among us. Can we get in touch with its gratuitous wonder and surprise? That Divine Love would choose to explode into the spinning cosmos, filling it with its very Being? That those forty-year wanderers in exodus would still believe? That an unknown young woman in a nothing town in a small, oppressed country would be visited with a revelation—and that her Fiat-Yes would so illuminate the world?

In our human history, what could be more wondrous than if that people of faith in every age and every religion would keep saying Yes—keep rising with courage and kindness in every kind of condition, in order to offer their love and energy to carry the world to an unfolding future. How amazing this Holy Mystery Incarnate, in our midst, in us. This Advent, in this season that celebrates the surprise and the resilience of grace, let us bring our own spirit of love, courage, and expectation.

Join us for this virtual retreat presented by S. Miriam Brown, OP, on Wednesday, December 2.  It will be presented twice: 10:00-11:15am and 6:30-7:45pm.  Freewill offering. To register, visit