Molloy Students Commit to DYM in Grace-filled Day

Thirteen young adults made a yearlong commitment to Molloy University’s Dominican Young Adult Chapter on Sunday, April 7, 2024 during Mass at the Motherhouse. As part of their commitment, they pledged to live out the four pillars of Dominican Life (prayer, study, community and mission) in their everyday lives through praying alone and communally, studying the Word of God and the Signs of the Times, and participating in local monthly chapter meetings.

“We, the Dominican Sisters and guests, had the privilege of witnessing their commitment,” said S. Gina Fleming, promoter of youth for the Congregation. “It had been nearly four years, due to the COVID pandemic, since we have been able to have a ceremony such as this.  As the sisters, associates, and other guests looked on these young people, beaming with joy and enthusiasm, committed themselves to being more closely connected to our Congregation and claiming their identities as part of our Dominican Family.”

Later that day, the students, associates and sisters got to know each other at an ice cream social. 

“It was wonderful to see the students meeting our elderly sisters and interacting with them,” continued Sister Gina. “Of course, sharing ice cream sundaes, with all the toppings, was a must.”

 As part of the afternoon, the sisters, associates, and young adults were introduced to the We Move Forward Together committee, an initiative that invites individuals and groups to connect with sisters through mission. The students learned about the variety of programs that have been offered and are currently being offered both in person and online for them to get more involved in. They were encouraged to become ambassadors for the committee by letting their families and friends know about the varied programs.