Promoters of North American Region Gather for Annual Conference

In July, Dominican justice promoters from the provinces of friars of the US and Canada and the Vicariate of Vietnam, 16 congregations of Sisters, and the Dominican Youth Movement joined for its annual conference. This year the promotors focused on the theme: “Justice: Moving Toward a Wider We.” The keynote presenter was Maxime Allard, OP, President of the Universitaire Dominicaine, Ottawa, Canada.
This years’ theme comes from Pope Francis announcement in May of the theme of the World Day of Migrants and Refugees titled, “Towards an ever wider we.” The papal message can be found here: World Day of Migrants & Refugees – Migrants & Refugees Section (
His presentation addressed three topics: to understand what it means when we say “we” internally, as Dominicans for Justice and Peace, how do we experience that in ourselves; and, questions to help sort the elements out and organize being a “wider we.”

As the promoters discussed how to address a “wider we” they wrestled with one of the most frustrating and difficult obstacles in the ministry towards a more just world – our polarization among us as Dominican Family. During the program, the group heard updates from Aniedi Okure, OP, the new International Promoter for Justice and Peace, and Sr. Durstyn Farnan, OP, our representative of the Dominicans at the United Nations in New York. The group evaluated its document of justice priorities of the Dominican Family of North America, the Gospel Call to Justice, which will be updated by the end of the year. Link to the current document can be found here.
Finally, the promoters began preparations for events surrounding the annual Dominican Month for Peace in December 2021. This year Dominicans around the world will focus on the crisis in Venezuela. More details will be shared in upcoming months.