Week Three: Called, Anointed and Sent in Ukraine

As we remember the Dominican Month for Peace in Ukraine in Advent….
The Dominicans have developed important leadership and formation programs in and out of the war zone for more holistic support and ministry during the war.
The Institute of Religious Sciences was established in 2019 by the Dominicans and host the programs at St. Thomas Aquinas Priory in Kiev. The social leadership school has 30 students from different regions and religious traditions.
The school is the site for formation for lay chaplains to accompany soldiers in the war zone a new ministry program by the Military Order of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine.
In addition, a new three-year course was established called the Tree of Life with a focus on trauma and psychological studies.
Members of the Dominican Order serve in pastoral outreach in five affected settlements offering the eucharist, and prayer enrichment events in the war zone.
Today we hear from the prophet Isaiah, “the Spirit of the Lord is upon me” (Is 61:1)
As we pray in our third Sunday of Advent for the people of Ukraine around the world, may we pray for the way of healing and lasting peace and respect for Ukrainian rights.