‘Dominican Sisters of Peace Hold Sponsorship Meeting’

On October 25 and 26, a group of leaders gathered at Ohio Dominican University from the six educational institutions sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Peace: Albertus Magnus College (CT); Ohio Dominican University (OH), Dominican Academy (NY); Our Lady of the Elms (OH); St. Agnes-St. Dominic (TN) and St. Mary’s Dominican High School (LA). During this annual meeting, the school Presidents and other board and school leaders met with the Dominican Sisters of Peace Leadership Team and three staff members of the Office of Founded Ministries to pray, study and share.

All were energized and inspired by a presentation by Fr. Charles Bouchard, OP, who addressed topics that embody the Dominican Catholic identity of the schools. Fr. Bouchard spoke about the Reign of God and the common good and how to think about our institutions as ministries of the Church. He also challenged the group to think of how they can put “new wine into old skins” as they consider how new models of sponsorship could enable the schools to remain Dominican and Catholic into the future.

The educational leaders had opportunities to share good news and best practices from their schools as well as challenges and learnings from their experiences. There was an update on the exploration of a public juridic person for the PreK – 12 schools sponsored by eight Dominican congregations. The time included Eucharist and a concluding Missioning Prayer. Participants expressed gratitude for this opportunity to deepen their bonds among one another, to learn from one another and to expand their understanding of how their schools are Dominican and Catholic ministries of the Church.

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Attendees at the 2018 Educational Ministry Sponsorship meeting on October 25 and 26 included: Row 1: Thomas Hood, President, St. Agnes/St. Dominic School, Memphis, TN; Dr. Robert Gervasi, President, Ohio Dominican University, Columbus, OH; Sr. Charlene Moser, OP, DSOP Office of Founded Ministries; Sr. Diane Traffas, OP, Ohio Dominican University, Columbus, OH; Sr. Gene Poore, OP, Dominican Sisters of Peace Leadership Team; Sr. Valerie Shaul, OP, Our Lady of the Elms, Akron, OH; Sr. Margaret Ormond, OP, Dominican Academy, New York, NY; Dr. Leslie Poole Petit, Dominican Academy, New York, NY; Sr. Anne Kilbride, OP, Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, CT.
Row 2: Dr. Marc Camille, Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, CT; Br. James Simon, Dominican Academy, New York, NY; Marta Fontana Patrick, St. Agnes/St. Dominic School, Memphis, TN; Mark Butler, DSOP Office of Founded Ministries; Jeanne Dennison, Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, CT; Sr. Patricia Twohill, OP, DSOP Prioress; Dr. Cynthia Thomas, OPA, President, St. Mary’s Dominican High School, New Orleans, LA; Aileen Lucich, St. Mary’s Dominican High School, New Orleans, LA; Anne Keenan, DSOP Office of Founded Ministries.
Row 3: Thomas Winters, Ohio Dominican University; Sr. Anne Lythgoe, OP, Dominican Sisters of Peace Leadership Team; Sr. Gemma Doll, OP, Dominican Sisters of Peace Leadership Team; Sr. Suzanne Brauer, OP, OP, Leadership Delegate, St. Mary’s Dominican High School, New Orleans, LA; Sr. Therese Leckert, Dominican Sisters of Peace Leadership Team.