Dominican Sisters of Peace: ‘Mohun Health Care Center Recognized for Workplace Excellence’

COLUMBUS, OH – More than 1.4 million people, the vast majority which are elderly, live in America’s 15,000+ nursing homes. More than 1.5 million nursing professionals care for those seniors – but the work is not easy.1 Industry wide, staff turnover among nursing home employees ranges between 55 and 75%2, at a cost of $22,000 and $63,000 per individual.
Mohun Health Care Center, a long-term nursing facility in Columbus, OH, founded by the Dominican Sisters of Peace, is bucking the turnover trend. Fewer than 17% of staff members leave the organization per year. This is one reason why Mohun has been recognized by Leading Age Ohio with their newest award – the Award for Workplace Excellence.
Mohun Health Care Center is a 72-bed facility dedicated to the long-term care of retired religious. Its population is predominantly female, retired members of the Dominican Sisters of Peace, with a few retired priests as well.
“Religious Sisters never really ‘retire,’” says April Queener, Mohun’s administrator. “Sisters living at Mohun serve in a ministry of prayer and presence – in fact, we refer to this facility as a “powerhouse of prayer.”
“This calling to prayer and peace is the foundation of our workplace,” Queener continues. “Our nurses and aides feel this peace as they go about their duties. Our nursing staff is treated with respect by patients and by the management team, so they treat one another with respect as well.”
The Dominican calling to justice and fairness also contributes to the quality of the Mohun workplace. “Our employees enjoy a full range of benefits,” says Human Resources Coordinator Venie Coleman. “Health, vision and dental insurance, 401k, financial counseling – even free life insurance coverage – all are available to our care team members.”
Continuing education, both in class and online, is another benefit offered to all Mohun employees, according to Director of Nursing Michelle Kiner. “It’s our goal to turn nurses into leaders. Study and education are part of our Dominican charism, and we are delighted to share that with our nurses.”
Employees agree with Leading Age Ohio’s workplace excellence designation.
“I don’t feel like just a worker; we are like family,” says Trefera Haile, LPN, who has 18 years of service at Mohun. This sentiment is echoed by other employees as well. “At the end of the day, we’re not drained,” says seven-year team member Beverly Greenidge, STNA. “We have a good residence,” adds STNA Lucia Duwon, who has worked at Mohun for six years. “We have a very good team.”
The administrative staff accepted the LeadingAge Ohio’s Workplace Excellence Award at the organization’s Annual Conference and Trade Show in Columbus, OH, on August 30, 2018.