Photo of the Week: Dominican Sisters of Adrian – ‘Sister Emmy Choge, OP, Becomes Naturalized U.S. Citizen’

Sister Emmy Choge, OP, new U.S. citizen, proudly holds the American flag. With her, clockwise from bottom left, are S. Virginia King, OP; Associate Carol Hofer; S. Tarianne DeYonker, OP; S. Kitty Kelly, OSU, sister of S. Attracta; S. Nancyann Turner, OP; S. Catherine DeClercq, OP; S. Attracta Kelly, OP; and S. Carol Jean Kesterke, OP, Chapter Prioress. (Photo by S. Suzanne Schreiber, OP)

“About 16 years after coming to the United States on sabbatical, Sister Emmy Chelagat Choge, OP, a native of Kenya, became a U.S. citizen during a formal naturalization ceremony. Accompanied by Adrian Dominican Sisters and Associates, Sister Emmy joined new citizens from throughout the world in taking the Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America and in receiving the certificate of her citizenship.”
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