Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose: ‘Dominicans Together’ on Laudato Si

October 14, 2017, provided an opportunity for collaboration and mission driven conversation among Dominican sisters and lay guests at Mission San Jose motherhouse on Laudato Si: A story of Right Relationships. Key presenter, Pat Siemen, OP, Adrian Dominican and civil attorney, gave an overview of Pope Francis’ encyclical which focuses on the long term ecological and spiritual health of all humans and all members of Earth community. Sister Pat was joined by two lay women, Andra Yeghoian and Erica Kudyba, who spoke on ways to educate via academic curriculum and to initiate parish ‘Green Teams.’ Pat Siemen was joined by a number of Adrian Dominicans, along with Oakford and Mission San Jose Dominicans.

The event was hosted by The Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose’s Center for Education and Spirituality. Events and presentations are held throughout the year providing opportunities for spiritual and education enrichment.