DVUSA welcomes new volunteers at annual retreat
Dominican Volunteers USA welcomed its 2015–2016 volunteers at their annual retreat at Siena Center in Racine, Wisconsin. View more photos from the retreat on Facebook
Dominican Life USA
A web crossroads for the Order of Preachers
Dominican Volunteers USA welcomed its 2015–2016 volunteers at their annual retreat at Siena Center in Racine, Wisconsin. View more photos from the retreat on Facebook
President and CEO of Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) Sister Donna Markham, OP, PhD, will deliver remarks at a National Press Club Newsmakers news conference on Thursday, Sept.
17 about how Pope Francis’ first trip to the U.S. aligns with its commitment to shine a light on poverty in America. Bringing greater attention to helping the nation’s poor is part of CCUSA’s long standing mission to support all people in need. Read more
The Eco-Justice Center, a ministry of the Racine (Wisconsin) Dominican Sisters, will celebrate its annual Fall Festival on Sunday, Sept. 20. Bring the family and enjoy live music, delicious food, demonstrations, pony rides, hay rides, a petting zoo and kids’ games. This year, artists will be stationed around the farm for Plein Air Painting. Other demonstrations will include spinning, weaving, apple pressing, wood turning, green cleaning, calligraphy, and bee keeping.
The Leadership Conference for Women Religious (LCWR) held its annual assembly at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Houston Aug. 11-14. On Wednesday evening, the Dominican Sisters of Houston hosted members of the Dominican leadership teams who were attending the assembly. Sister Jane Meyer organized staff from St. Agnes Academy to drive sisters to and from the meeting room. Tables adorned with boots, bandanas, and bluebonnets atop burlap table cloths provided by Cathy and Karen Pawlowski from St. Pius X High School lent a good old Texas feeling to the gathering. Sister Carol Mayes gave the sisters a warm (or perhaps hot — with temps 100° +) Texas welcome and invited them to enjoy a Tex-Mex buffet of beans and rice, fajita beef and chicken with all the trimmings along with chips, salsa and choice of beverages. Entertainment was provided by a Mariachi group. As the Mariachis prepared to leave, Sister Pat Farrell, executive director of the Dominican Sisters’ Conference, had everyone rise and offer the Dominican Blessing. — Ceil Roeger, OP (Houston)
“The Gift” is a clever little thriller that has generated positive buzz at the end of the summer season. It’s worth checking out.
I liked “The Gift” for several reasons. The main reason is that it surprised me. When I thought it was going in a fairly predictable direction, “The Gift” surprised me by moving in a different direction. I also liked the fact that, for a thriller, it has very little physical violence. It does have plenty of tension and suspense as the story gets darker and more complex. “The Gift” does leave a lot for the imagination, which is a good thing.
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