Dominican leaders meet and greet at LCWR

The Leadership Conference for Women Religious (LCWR) held its annual assembly at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Houston Aug. 11-14. On Wednesday evening, the Dominican Sisters of Houston hosted members of the Dominican leadership teams who were attending the assembly. Sister Jane Meyer organized staff from St. Agnes Academy to drive sisters to and from the meeting room. Tables adorned with boots, bandanas, and bluebonnets atop burlap table cloths provided by Cathy and Karen Pawlowski from St. Pius X High School lent a good old Texas feeling to the gathering. Sister Carol Mayes gave the sisters a warm (or perhaps hot — with temps 100° +) Texas welcome and invited them to enjoy a Tex-Mex buffet of beans and rice, fajita beef and chicken with all the trimmings along with chips, salsa and choice of beverages. Entertainment was provided by a Mariachi group. As the Mariachis prepared to leave, Sister Pat Farrell, executive director of the Dominican Sisters’ Conference, had everyone rise and offer the Dominican Blessing. — Ceil Roeger, OP (Houston)