Russia's Claws in Ukraine: The Invasion and War in Ukraine
Russia’s Claws in Ukraine
Russia’s Claws in Ukraine
Week Four: The Plight of Innocent Children in Wartime
The Dominican sponsored St. Martin de Porres Center in Fativ has been caring for socially disadvantaged children: orphans, street children, sick children and children from disadvantaged families. Since April 2014, when following Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity Russia annexed Crimea and launched aggression in the East of Ukraine, the fighting in parts of the Donetsk and […]

Week Three: Called, Anointed and Sent in Ukraine
As we remember the Dominican Month for Peace in Ukraine in Advent…. The Dominicans have developed important leadership and formation programs in and out of the war zone for more holistic support and ministry during the war. The Institute of Religious Sciences was established in 2019 by the Dominicans and host the programs at St. […]
Week Two: A Voice Cries Out in the Desert
As we remember the Dominican Month for Peace in Ukraine in Advent… Let us remember: Dominicans have a long history of presence in the country. The history of Dominicans in Ukraine is almost as old as the Order. Since the early thirteenth century, when the first Dominicans arrived in Kyiv, the history of our Order has […]

Week One: Recent History of the Fight for Liberation from Russian Occupation
As we remember the Dominican Month for Peace in Ukraine in Advent… Let us remember: Ukraine gained its independence in 1991, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Following its independence, Ukraine declared itself a neutral state; it formed a limited military partnership with Russia and other Commonwealth of Independent States while also establishing a […]