Featured Articles
Dominican Sisters of Springfield: ‘Sister Mila Diaz Solano Witnesses Conflict, Hope, in Jerusalem’
“Springfield Dominican Sister Mila Diaz Solano resides in Jerusalem where she is completing her doctoral thesis at the École Biblique et Archéologique.” Recently, “she shared with her Dominican sisters in the United States and Peru her experience of the past weeks of violence in Israel and at the border fence in Gaza, set in motion, in part, by the relocation of the United States embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv on May 15.” Read article
National College “Preaching in Action” Conference
The National College “Preaching in Action” Conference is just around the corner. It begins on Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018 and ends with a commissioning liturgy on Sunday, May 27. This year the conference is being held at Caldwell University in Caldwell, NJ. We are expecting 85 participants.
McGreal 10th Anniversary Series: Looking Back and Looking Forward
Submitted by Janet Welsh, OP (Director of The McGreal Center)
Do you remember what you were doing on May 21, 2008? Many of us recall that day with fondness and delight! Mary Ellen O’Grady, OP, the Executive Director of the Dominican Leadership Conference, and Donna Carroll, President of Dominican University blest the Mary Nona McGreal, OP Center for Dominican Historical Studies. Since the blessing of the McGreal Center in 2008, approximately 1550 visitors signed the Center’s guest book. Our guests came from 4 continents, 22 countries, the U.S. Territory of Puerto Rico and 27 states! Sometimes we failed to remind people to sign the book!!
Dominican Sisters of Sparkill Speak Out for All at May Day Rally
“On May 1, 2018, better known as May Day, several Dominican Sisters of Sparkill and a Sparkill Associate joined in solidarity with other concerned citizens to rally for the rights of immigrants, workers, and all human rights.” Read article