‘Annual Meeting of the International Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace’
The International Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace (IDCJP) recently held its annual meeting at the Casa per Ferie Enrico de Osso in Rome, 12-17 October. Comprising the friar and sister international and regional/continental J&P promoters, representatives of the Dominican nuns, laity, youth and UN delegations, the Commission was blessed to have a long conversation with the new Master of the Order, Fr. Gerard Timoner. Building on the decisions of the recent General Chapter in Vietnam, he affirmed the promotion of justice and peace, not as a specialized work, but as the work of all Christians and therefore of all Dominicans. He highlighted the importance of also promoting it ad intra – within the Order, to restore our relationships as brothers and sisters, and to proclaim it with joy. The lack of justice and peace in our communities obstructs vocation.