Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa: Mound Offers Annual Grief Retreat and Remembering Service
SINSINAWA, Wis.—Sinsinawa Mound is offering those who have experienced loss in their lives ways to make the holidays a little easier while acknowledging the loss.
“Grief Retreat: Journey toward Wholeness” is being offered 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7. Throughout our life, we experience the loss of people, places, and things. We will reflect on our losses and discover how loss can lead to greater wholeness and holiness with questions such as these: What have been the losses in my life? How have I dealt with the grief of the loss? Do the people who have died live on in my life? How do I find hope in the midst of the pain of the loss? Sister Mary Hopkins, OP, is a certified grief specialist and will lead you through this day. The cost is $50 per single or family, which includes a noon meal for one person. Additional meals are $8 per person. The registration deadline is Nov. 29.