Dominican Justice Promoters Meet

The North American Dominican Justice promoters gathered for their annual planning meeting in Techny, Illinois May 28-29. Twenty-four promoters, including sisters, friars, and laity from the U.S. and Canada, came together to strengthen their solidarity in the work. This year’s meeting focused on integral ecology as a framework in promoting justice, and updating the Call to Justice, the common document of principles and priorities for the Dominican Family in the struggle for justice and peace in North America.

Promoters were joined by the International Dominican promoters from Rome who connected them to the situation and needs of the broader Dominican family. 

Integral ecology, adapted from the writings of Pope Francis, helps to explore issues in the context of four key dimensions:  social, Earth and environment, cultural, and economic conditions. It moves us to open our eyes to see our work interwoven among all that is happening in our world. The promoters reiterated the need for work in the U.S. and Canada on the United Nations Sustainability Goals. 

The promoters hope to make a contribution toward a civil society shadow report, to accompany the US Government’s report on its standing regarding human rights here in the States. The US will be reviewed by the Human Rights Council in Geneva in October 2020. Two areas of greatest concern are immigration and the environment and how US policy has adversely impacted the lives of the most marginalized among us.