Electronic Edition of Dominican Praise is Now Available

Submitted by Anne Lythgoe, OP (Peace)

The Dominican Sisters of Peace are very pleased and excited to announce that the electronic edition of “Dominican Praise, a Provisional Book of Prayer for Dominican Women” is now available. Originally published in 2005 by eight Dominican congregations in the USA, Dominican Praise is a beautiful translation of the Liturgy of the Hours, prepared especially for the Dominican community.

The electronic edition allows the reader to enlarge font size and change the font style, as well as use bookmarks, a notebook for keeping track of pages, highlighting, and other useful tools. It contains all of the original materials except for the Alternative Readings and some of the music.

The project to convert a printed book to an electronic edition took three years and represents the work of many Dominicans and lay partners as well. “This was a labor of love for us. We wanted to share the beauty of the book with new generations of Dominicans and make it more broadly available to the Dominican Community and accessible to those who are visually impaired,” said Sr. Anne Lythgoe, OP, who led the project. “The Dominican community who prays with this book will be blessed and nurtured in their common prayer,” Sr. Anne added.

You can download the e-book from Amazon for use with Kindle on either the Apple or Android platforms for smartphones and tablets. Links to quick and easy tutorials and a PDF of the Dominican Ordo are included in the Table of Contents page and are available at www.oppeace.org. Be sure to download your copy now. The cost of the book is $19.95.

We would be most grateful if you would share this news with your Dominican Community, sisters and associates. We hope that as many people who are able can enjoy this beautiful way of prayer.