Bishop Catanello Memorial Commission Organization Honors Amityville Dominican Sisters

A dozen members of the BCMCO visited the Motherhouse to help present the award, including Angelo Digangi, theCommissioner of the Humanitarian Council of the organization.

The award was accepted by Prioress S. Peggy McVetty, OP on the Feast of St. Dominic on behalf of all the sisters.

The BCMCO is named in memory of the Most Rev. Ignatius A. Catanello, D.D., Ph.D who died in 2013. Bishop Catanello lived and served in Brooklyn, NY, his whole life – alongside many Amityville Dominicans. The organization’s mission is to share stories about Father “Iggy” and to help keep his idea of H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Excel) alive.

Father Ron Henery, OP, — the chaplain of the Amityville Dominican Sisters — celebrated Mass prior to the lunch and award presentation. BCMCO member, Diana Paunetto, shared her beautiful voice with a capella rendition of the Ave Maria during Holy Communion.

“The Sisters have ministered in the tri-state area, Puerto Rico and El Salvador for more than 170 years,” said Mary Fuchs, Director of Advancement for the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville. “Their commitment to preaching, education, alleviating poverty, increasing literacy, the environment, immigration and peace and justice represents a life of faith and service. The St. Joan of Arc Award is a worthy tribute in honor of them for their selfless and tireless work to God and to the thousands of individuals whose lives they have touched.”