Funds raised for Mission in El Salvador

It was a very rainy day and evening, but that did not stop more than 80 families and friends from gathering at the Motherhouse of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville to celebrate and support the amazing growth of the work for the mission in El Salvador.  The Annual Fundraiser Netted $12,000.  Amityville Dominican Sister Flor Buruca spearheads the mission work in the barrios of her homeland.

Like, St. Dominic, Amityville Dominican Sister Flor has actually walks from town to town, finding beautiful people in need of the basic necessities of life. So, from Sol Naciente to Colonia Once, to El Delirio to Intipuca, the word has been spreading: “Help is on the way”! The St. Catherine of Sienna After School Program has a second site and new classroom in Colonia Once. Money from this fundraiser was immediately sent to finance the cesspool and bathroom installation!

Life is very primitive in these small villages and Sister Flor has been assisting the people to build cinder block homes to replace the metal shacks they were given years ago by the government. It costs about $6,000 to build a home for one family and the waiting list for houses keeps growing! The foundation of a new chapel has been laid in Colonia Once to be named after St. Francis of Assisi. Like its brother chapel named after St. Dominic in Sol Naciente, it will serve the people as a place of prayer, community, and activities.

There is much gratitude for the donations throughout the year, for the following projects:

  • St. Catherine of Siena After School Program which provides a healthy meal, vitamins, and school assistance each day.
  • Building Projects which provide Cinder block homes for families as well as the Chapels for towns and space for the Women’s Cooperative.
  • Food, clothing, medical/dental care for families and elders