Sister Spotlight: Agnes Huck, OP

Sister Agnes Huck (Mary Lawrence), like Dominic, is a joy to be around.  She is always welcoming and gracious. Two of her extraordinary gifts are listening and a sense of freedom to speak her truth. She enjoys parties and jokes and is a valuable member of any community meeting.

She has been a champion of education, especially Catholic education since her profession in 1952. In addition to classroom teaching and serving as principal, she has served in various leadership positions. Sister Agnes was Director of Personnel for the Catholic Schools Department in the Archdiocese of Seattle from 1976-1981, In 1981 she was called to Congregation Leadership including eight years as president. Following a sabbatical, she served as Associate Director of Schools in the Archdiocese of Denver from 1983-1987 

In the final years of our selling Marymount, our Motherhouse, Sister Agnes shepherded the final year of the sale and also helped secure another site for our administrative offices.

In the 1990’s the sisters in the Northwest discussed how they could meet the needs of the people and collaborate on filling those needs.  Housing was a priority, Mercy Housing a reality. The other area the sisters focused on was the creation of a peace and justice site.  Today known as the Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center which reaches out worldwide in providing resources for education, systemic change, and building relationships among individuals and groups. Sister Agnes was a founding member of these groups and served as chairperson and committee member over the years.

Following her years in leadership, she returned to her native Yakima and served as assistant director of Project Life, an adult literacy program along with Sister Maureen Rose (Adrian).

Always committed to living out the Dominican charism and our mission statement, Sister Agnes preaches by both word and action.  Today in retirement she volunteers at the Yakima Food Bank and Habitat for community.