Gala Honoree

In April, the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston celebrated its 175th anniversary with a lovely gala during which six individuals were honored “for their extraordinary acts of leadership, generosity and service in furthering the mission of the Church in Texas.” Among those honored was Houston Dominican Heloise Cruzat, OP, a lifelong resident of Houston and the Archdiocese. Sr. Heloise attended All Saints Catholic School and St. Agnes Academy and entered the convent in September 1951. Sr. Heloise ministered in education as both teacher and principal in the Archdiocese for over 35 years, served in the Houston Dominican’s leadership as councilor and prioress, and served the Archdiocese as Vicar for Religious. Currently, she is involved in the congregation’s Laudato Si’ Action Plan, is chair of the Labyrinth Committee and is the liaison for volunteers who tend the Dominican Sisters’ Community Garden. Of religious life, Sr. Heloise has said, “Although I have always lived in community, my belief is that my witness has been to the importance of Catholic education, and in these later years, to service of the local church.”  

In accepting the service award from His Eminence, Cardinal DiNardo, Sr. Heloise expressed her gratitude and directly addressed the women religious in attendance, saying “My presence on this stage is an expression of gratitude by our local church to each of you, to your communities, and to the countless sisters who have ministered here since the foundation of the Diocese of Galveston in 1847… Dearest sisters, you have been and you remain a vital part of the mission of this local church, its ministry in health care and education, its ministry to the poor and to the marginalized, its creative vision that addresses changing times, moving forward undaunted by obstacles.”