Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Co-workers Recognized for 470 Years of Service

Assistant; and Lisa Schell, Archivist, pose in their pirate costumes during the Adrian
Dominican Sisters’ Annual Service Awards. The theme for this year’s event was Our
Treasured Co-workers, invoking the theme of pirates. Sister Beverly was recognized for
10 years of service and Lisa for five years.
During a special campus-wide event celebrating summer and service, the Adrian Dominican Sisters recognized the milestone years of service of 40 Co-workers with a combined total of 470 years of service to the Congregation.
During the June 15, 2023, afternoon celebration, each Co-worker was called forward by his or her department supervisor to be recognized for milestone years of service. The event honored the following:
- 50 years: Janice Faulhaber, Food Services.
- 35 years: Julie Rodgers, Resident Services.
- 30 years: Annie Taylor, Nursing.
- 25 years: Debra Blohm, Finance Office, and Tiffany Brown, Carrie McCarty, and Kristi Scholz, Nursing.
- 15 Years: Kristine Cooper, Portfolio Advisory Board, and Rachel Ramos and Charlotte VanSickle, Nursing.
- 10 years: Krystal Baker, Weber Center; Karen Beyer, Finance Office; Sister Beverly Bobola, OP, Archive; Jan Bourg, Office of Information; Jason Cox, Facilities and Grounds; David Dickerson and Jennifer Meredith, Transportation; Crystal Hosler, Yvonne Sanders, and Lisa Winkler, Nursing; Jennifer Hunter, Campus Administration; and Brad McCullar, Technology.
- 5 Years: Christine Bulifant, Robin Lennard, Lisa Lowry, Jessica Sharp, and Diann Ward, Nursing; Bert Burciaga, Maricella Sanchez, and Mariah Valdes, Food Services; Mary Hicks and Gloria Villalobos, Environmental Services; Kristen Livingston, Resident Services; James Riggs, Transportation; Lisa Schell, Archive; Michele Stenson, Weber Center; Heather Wanshon, Human Resources; Cody White, Technology; Lona Wilson, Pastoral Care; and Rogelio Zamora, Facilities and Grounds.
The Adrian Dominican Sisters, an equal opportunity employer, always seek Co-workers in a variety of fields, willing to serve as partners with the Sisters. See our employment page for more information on the culture of the workplace, videos of current Co-workers, and current job openings.