Sister Shamus Visits New Hyde Park

Dominican Sister of Amityville Shamus Eileen Dwyer worked in Holy Spirit Church in New Hyde Park, Long Island, for many years, first as a kindergarten teacher, then as a parish visitor and then she as the founder of the consolation ministry. But on Friday, May 12th, she visited there as an author to tell stories from her book, “The Spirit ‘Neath the Habit.”

The book chronicles some of the most famous funny stories of Sister Shamus!

This wasn’t the first time Sister Shamus has talked about her book at this library. The librarian, Judith Loeb, recalled that when Sister Shamus first spoke there years ago, the event attracted more than 100 people. It had been the mostly highly attended book talk of the year! Now, years later, Sister Shamus, 90, once again told stories from her book — and some not from her book — to an adoring crowd of devoted friends, former students and fans.

 “Sister Shamus is a very important person in New Hyde Park,” Loeb had said that day. After the event, members of the Rosary Society of Holy Spirit Parish presented her with flowers. S. Shamus also got to chat with a former student she had in kindergarten! It was a wonderful reunion followed by cake and coffee.