An Update from the Dominican Sisters Futuring Leadership Team

Dear Dominicans,
Since our last update a broad spectrum of designs for Affinity Groups has begun to emerge. Justice, Care for Creation and Immigration (Ana Gonzalez); Four Pillars with a Twist or Play, Pray and Act (Jeanne Shary); Low Carbon Footprint (Corinne Sanders); Return to Our Founding Dominican Charism (Christina Atienza & Abby Newton); Outreach to Young Adults (Mary Soher and Beth Murphy); Inter-congregational Community and Ministry (Donna Moses and Cathy Murray); and Welcoming New Members to the Order (June Fitzgerald).
In the near future the FLT will sketch out plans for an “Affinity Night,” a virtual open space, for the entire Cohort to see what is happening and sample these offerings. Some groups are ready to begin or wanting help to shape a group. The Affinity Night will be an opportunity to get involved in whatever topic gives you passion. Look for an invitation in your inbox soon!
Members of the Database Development group met with ZenaComp and had a very productive session. The Adrian data has now been removed and the branding of the database as Dominican Sisters Conference has begun. The core subgroup is exploring the database itself and early next month we will begin clarifying questions and menu choices. We believe the process for creating a usable relational database will take less time than originally anticipated and hope to have it up and functioning by the summer. We are testing and comparing apps to support our ongoing collaboration.
The Inter-Congregational Community affinity group conveners received an invitation from Janice Brown and Nancyann Turner to help form a Multi-OP-Congregation House in a safe neighborhood in Detroit, across the street from Gesu Church-staffed by the Jesuits. The location is near the University of Detroit and the Marygrove Conservancy and there are many other options for outreach ministry to the poor nearby. If you or someone you know is interested, get in touch with one of them by February 15 to begin the conversation and planning.
As we move into the new reality of 2022, may we continue to inspire and motivate one another in the charism and preaching mission of the Dominican Order.
Sisters Pat Magee (Hope), Lorraine Reaume (Adrian), Kathleen Tait (Springfield), Mai-dung Nguyen (Peace), Donna Moses (Mission San Jose), and Carol Dempsey (Caldwell)