Bringing Joy to Others

In August, when officials announced that Fort Dix in southern New Jersey would serve as a temporary housing base for Afghan refugees, Sister Lena Picillo, OP, called Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newark to find out how to get involved.
She discovered that there was a great need for activities and toys for Afghan children at the base. As a result, a collection organized by the sisters and their sponsored ministry, Caldwell University, grew to include a partnership with Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newark.
This project was close to the sisters’ hearts as the congregation includes many current and former teachers and administrators. Sisters asked for donations in their weekly digital newsletter throughout September.
Boxes filled with crayons, puzzles, toys, stuffed animals, foam playmats, and more soon overflowed.

Finally, on October 12th, Sister Lena Picillo, OP, and Meghan Moran, Caldwell University’s director of donor and alumni engagement, drove a U-Haul filled with donations to Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Trenton for distribution to the children at Fort Dix.