Dominican Sisters of Peace Profess, Renew Temporary Vows
Sisters Margaret Uche and Ellen Coates Take Next Steps in Formation

It’s been a busy month for Sr. Pat Dual, OP, and the Formation team at the Dominican Sisters of Peace, as Sister Margaret Uche renewed her Temporary Vows at a ceremony in Kansas on July 18, and Sister Ellen Coates professed her Temporary Vows at the Columbus, OH, Dominican Sisters of Peace Motherhouse Chapel on August 1.
Sister Margaret Uche immigrated to the United States from Nigeria to study biology, and later studied nursing, a vocation in which she continues to minister today. She took her first vows in 2018. She will continue her much-needed ministry as a home health nurse in Wichita, KS, during this next stage of her formation.
Sister Ellen Coates, a public health professional originally from Winchester, MA, has been ministering as a COVID-19 contact tracer and public health supervisor at The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH, during her apostolic novitiate. She will continue to live in Community at the Congregation’s House of Welcome in Columbus, OH, and serve as part of the COVID-19 Mitigation Team at the Ohio State University as she continues her formation.
Sr. Ellen Coates’ service was livestreamed to the Congregation’s communities across the nation. The Congregation’s Kentucky Motherhouse attended the Eucharistic Liturgy virtually as part of their Sunday worship, and the Congregation was able to share the table of God together across the miles.

“In this time of pandemic, it seems only right that God would gift our Congregation with those who are called to heal,” says Sr. Pat Twohill, Prioress of the Dominican Sisters of Peace. “Sr. Margaret and Sr. Ellen both care for God’s people in their medical ministries, and we are grateful for their service.”
Single Catholic women who are interested in learning more about religious life are encouraged to visit the Congregation on their website at, or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.