Sister Annie Killian Completes Canonical Novitiate
Serving Fellowship at Notre Dame University

The Dominican Sisters of Peace are blessed to celebrate seven women who are moving to new stages of their formation to religious life, including Sr. Annie Killian.
Tennessee-native Sr. Annie Killian became acquainted with the Dominican Sisters of Peace while studying for her PhD at Yale University in New Haven, CT, and ministered as a student leader in the campus ministry at Saint Thomas More, the Catholic Chapel at Yale. She has completed her canonical year at the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate, where she served in a Chicago prison ministry while experiencing Novitiate life.
During the Apostolic period of her Novitiate. Sister Annie will minister at Notre Dame University, where she received a Public Humanities Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Medieval Institute as part of their 75th anniversary. Over the next two years she will be doing community outreach in the South Bend, IN, area.
“God is still calling women from all cultures and all walks of life to minister to God’s people, and our Congregation is witness to that,” says Sr. Pat Twohill, Prioress of the Dominican Sisters of Peace. “
“Our congregation is blessed and deeply grateful to God for the gifted women who feel called to be in mission with the Dominican Sisters of Peace,” said Sr. Pat Dual, Director of Formation. “
Single Catholic women who are interested in learning more about religious life are encouraged to visit the Congregation on their website at, or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.