Events & Retreats – 04.14.2021
Register for the 2021 Virtual Nun Run/Walk 5K!
Please join the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York at the 2021 Virtual Nun Run/Walk 5K race starting on Saturday, May 15, 2021.
What does it mean for the 2021 Nun Run/Walk 5K to be virtual?
Well, online registration is the same as always, but instead of gathering together on Saturday, May 15th in Blauvelt, you run or walk at your choice of time and at your choice of place. Whether you are running in your backyard, park, neighborhood, or a treadmill, just make sure to log your distance and time, and it’ll count!
Register online anytime until May 5, 2021, and after you register, you will be sent a link to submit your time and photos, along with information on how to pick up your official Nun Run/Walk 5K shirt. Then, complete your run anytime between 12:00 AM of May 8, 2021 and 12:00 pm on May 15, 2021.
Unfortunately, due to present conditions, we will not be awarding trophies or medals for this year’s race.
To register for the Nun Run/Walk, visit our race page:…/Blauvelt/2021VirtualNunRunWalk5K
For any questions, contact Race Director Katie Mahon at or call 845-359-7327.

Mini Retreat Reflects on Pope’s Teachings, Living Cosmology
SINSINAWA, Wis.—Sinsinawa Mound Center is sponsoring Living Cosmology Reflected in Pope Francis from 2 to 3:30 p.m. CDT Saturday, May 15, via Zoom. Our living creation story (or living cosmology) reveals the deep-time values of differentiation, interiority, and communion. These universal dynamics provide a comprehensive context from which to reflect on our tradition’s evolving religious consciousness and teachings. In this light, participants will reflect on Pope Francis’ teaching, especially the encyclicals “Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home” and “Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship” and look through the doorway of our cosmological identity as a spiritual journey possessing inherent values that live like seeds, constantly activated within us as mutual respect, a culture of care, kindness, justice, and healing. Sister Maureen Wild, SC, will facilitate this miniretreat. She is an educator, speaker, and retreat guide focusing on themes of spiritual ecology and serves as director of two spiritual-based ecological learning centers in the United States and Canada. The fee is $15 per person, and the registration deadline is May 13 at 4 p.m. Please register by contacting Guest Services at 608-748-4411 or visiting our website at