Sister Celebrates 110th Birthday

St. Catharine, KY – Considering the events of the past year, it’s been a rare thing to hear the voices of children at the Sansbury Care Center in St. Catharine, KY. The Center, a founded ministry of the Dominican Sisters of Peace, is home to the Congregation’s elderly Sisters as well as local seniors.
Thursday, March 11, was an exception, as four grade students from nearby St. Dominic School sang an enthusiastic “Happy Birthday” to Sansbury resident Sr. Vincent de Paul Hutton as she turned 110 years old.
Sr. Vincent was joined by her Sansbury community and few friends and family for the celebration of this milestone birthday. The Sansbury staff believes that Sr. Vincent is the oldest Dominican Sister in the United States, having been a consecrated religious for nearly 88 years.
Sister Vincent de Paul Hutton ministered as an educator and administrator for more than 50 years, serving in Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Massachusetts, Puerto Rico, and West Virginia.
After she retired from teaching, Sr. Vincent began to work in the congregational finance offices of what was then the Kentucky Dominicans, now the Dominican Sisters of Peace. When she was in her late 80s, she approached the Prioress of the Congregation to say that she decided it was time to retire. Jokingly, the Prioress asked her, “What are you going to do next?” In all seriousness, Vincent replied, “I am going to work in recycling!
Today Sr. Vincent de Paul ministers in prayer and presence at the Sansbury Care Center.
Sr. Susan Leslie, Mission Group Coordinator for the Sansbury Care Center, says, ”Sr. Vincent de Paul is an amazing woman, an inspiration to all! When she smiles, even at 110 years of age, she lights up the room. We are blessed by her presence.”