Events & Retreats – 03.17.2021
Spirituality for Everyday Living: The Illusion of Control
SINSINAWA, WI – Join Steve Ellsworth for Spirituality for Everyday Living: The Illusion of Control as he briefly explores concepts related to control and surrender. One’s desire and ability to cope with these two–often loaded–words can go a long way toward renewal of that sometimes elusive sense of the spirit. During these challenging and extraordinary times, discover ways to find and sustain a sense of spirit. Ellsworth has led spirituality and 12-step recovery retreats in Wisconsin and Tennessee. The program will be held virtually from 10 to 11 a.m. CDT Saturday, April 17, and is sponsored by Sinsinawa Mound Center. The fee is $10 per person, and the registration deadline is April 15 at 4 p.m. Please register by contacting Guest Services at 608-748-4411 or visiting our website at
Native American Book Discussion: ‘Gathering Moss’
SINSINAWA, WI – The second book in the Native American Book Discussion series sponsored by Sinsinawa Mound Center is “Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses” by Robin Wall Kimmerer. The virtual discussion will be held from 7 to 8:15 p.m. CDT Tuesday, April 13. Kimmerer shares her scientific education as an expert on mosses and her cultural history as a member of the Potawatomi nation. The book won the 2005 John Burroughs Medal Award for Natural History Writing. Author Janisse Ray describes “Gathering Moss”: “This is so much more than a book about mosses. This is a Native American woman speaking. This is a mother’s story. This is science revealed through the human psyche. Hers is a spectacularly different view of the world, and her true voice needs to be heard.” Sinsinawa Mound Center’s Ecological Programming Coordinator Eric Anglada will lead our discussion. The fee is $10 per person, and the registration deadline is April 12 at 4 p.m. Please register by contacting Guest Services at 608-748-4411 or visiting our website at The book is available for purchase through Sinsinawa Book & Gift Gallery at or by calling 608-748-4411.
Becoming a Compassionate Prayerful Presence
Mercy By the Sea – Madison, CT
Thursday, June 3 – Sunday, June 6, 2021
$400 single occupancy

This themed retreat will glean from Boundless Compassion with the permission of world-renowned author and international retreat leader Joyce Rupp, as Sr. Cynthia Bauer is a certified Northeast facilitator of Rupp’s Boundless Compassion Program.
Becoming a Compassionate Prayerful Presence invites participants to enter into a process facilitating more compassionate living – personal and professional. The retreat is designed for professional caregivers, doctors, nurses, other health professionals, social workers and chaplains, or simply for anyone who wants to deepen their spiritual growth to re-enter the world with a more compassionate way of being. The retreat will include presentations, small group discussions, music with rituals, prayer, silence and reflection. The overall retreat experience is meant to create an atmosphere in which relationships can develop and thrive so
that “circles of compassion” can emerge in various locales and communities.
“Becoming a compassionate, prayerful presence is a transformational journey,” explains Sister Bauer. “This retreat is an invitation to enter into a process for compassionate living, which is challenging, inspiring and encouraging for both one’s personal and professional life.”
Madeleine Tacy, O.P., M.Div., D.Min. is a Dominican Sister of Hope who served as Campus Minister at UMass Dartmouth for 37 years. She is a spiritual director with degrees in history, counseling and theology. Her interests are eclectic and range from how Eastern spirituality can enhance the Christian mystical experience to care for the environment. She is a Zen sensei in the White Plum Asangha lineage.
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Pause: A Season to Breathe
SINSINAWA, WI – The last of the virtual micro-retreats, Pause: A Season to Breathe-Season of Hope, sponsored by Sinsinawa Mound Center is scheduled from 10 a.m. to noon CDT Saturday, April 10. Participants are invited to be attentive and compassionate, pause, and appreciate each faith-based season as it mirrors the natural changing cycle of seasons. Sister Stella DeVenuta, OSF, will facilitate. Like the seasons of Earth that shift and change in nature, our lives of faith are also cyclical. From the ordinary time of now through the anticipated promise of hope, this session will be both reflective and engaging, with an invitation to carry the focus into further reflection as personal practice. The fee is $25 per person and the registration deadline is April 8 at 4 p.m. To register contact Guest Services at 608-748-4411 or visit our website at
Spiritual Ecology Workshop Promotes Diverse Voices
SINSINAWA, WI – Veronica Kyle is deeply committed to caring for Earth and has made it her duty to create a more diverse table of citizens to discuss taking care of Earth. Join her virtually for Black and Green: Spiritual Ecology and EcoWomanism, sponsored by Sinsinawa Mound Center, from 7 to 8 p.m. CDT Wednesday, April 7. She will explore the intersections of ecospirituality, environmental stewardship, racial justice, womanist theology and movement building. People of color have often been left out of discussions that deal with environmental sustainability. Kyle, an EcoWomanist theologian and practitioner, has created programs that diversified the discussion as well as brought about cross-cultural engagement. She is the outreach director for Faith in Place, a nonprofit in Chicago that empowers places of worship and protects their land, air and water. She is cofounder of the EcoWomanist Institute. The fee is $10 per person, and the registration deadline is April 6 at 4 p.m. Please register by contacting Guest Services at 608-748-4411 or visiting our website at