Photo of the Week: Sr. Phuong Thuy Vu Makes First Profession to Dominican Sisters of Peace

New Orleans, LA – The Dominican Sisters of Peace were blessed by the First Profession of Vows for Sr. Phuong Thuy Vu on December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
The ceremony was held in the Chapel at St. Mary’s Dominican High School, New Orleans, LA, which was founded by the Congregation in 1860. Sr. Phuong ministers as an assistant in the Guidance Department at the school.
Sr. Dorothy Trosclair, as delegate of the Prioress, received Sr. Phuong’s vows. Providing the music was the school’s Laudare Music Ministry, led by Lauren Bordelon with accompaniment by Kenny Lannes. Dominican Sisters of Peace Prioress, Pat Twohill, OP, and Formation Coordinator Pat Dual, OP, addressed attendees via video link Columbus, OH. Fr. John Restrepo, O.P., St. Martin de Porres Province, presided at Eucharist.
Sr. Phuong entered the Dominican Sisters of Peace as a candidate in 2016. She spent her candidacy at our House of Welcome in New Haven, CT, before attending the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate in St. Louis.
A native of Vietnam, Phuong and her family immigrated to the United States with her parents and siblings in 1989. She is a naturalized citizen. She holds a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Phuong first encountered the congregation when Dominican Sister of Peace, Sr. Binh Nguyen, OP, spoke at Phuong’s Texas parish, Mother of Perpetual Help.
It wasn’t until my first retreat (with the Dominican Sisters) that I strongly encountered God,” Sr. Phuong says. “As I am more grateful for the many blessings that I have received in my life, I want to share God’s love with others.”
“Being a Sister,” Phuong continued, “I have learned to embrace God’s people more. I strongly believe God will continue to give me the grace I need to fulfill my calling.”
“We are inspired by Phuong’s faith, and the depth of her commitment to Dominican Life and Mission. Not even a pandemic could keep her from responding to God’s call!” said Sr. Pat Twohill, OP, Prioress of the Dominican Sisters of Peace. “She has caught the Dominican spirit, and deeply desires to embrace our Order’s preaching mission.”
Wendy S. Grubb, NCC, LPC, Director of Counseling/College Advisor at St. Mary’s Dominican High School and Sr. Phuong’s supervisor at the School, said Sr. Phuong has been an asset to the department during her two years there. “She is very professional, kind, helpful, and determined to complete every task perfectly. Sr. Phuong takes her job very seriously and we continue to grow together. She is a role model for all as she lives the four pillars of Dominican life.”
Sr. Phuong will continue her ministry at St. Mary’s Dominican High School, as she also continues to discern her call to Dominican vowed life.
St. Mary’s Dominican High School students watch the Profession from their classrooms.