Sinsinawa Installs Memorial for Deceased Associates

The year 2020 marks the 35th anniversary of the Dominican Associate of Sinsinawa relationship. To mark this occasion, the Congregation Leadership Council wished to provide a meaningful gift to the Associate community. Collaborating with the Relationships for Mission (RFM) Team, a suggestion surfaced that a memorial for the deceased Associates be placed in the cemetery at Sinsinawa Mound. Both the Council and the RFM Team thought this was an excellent idea.
Reaching out to Mound Grounds Manager Cindy Kelly, the RFM Team asked her for possible placement ideas and the name of a local monument company who would help with the design and creation of the monument. Cindy suggested contacting Brannon Monument Company in Dubuque, IA.
Mike Brannon provided a design which includes the Associate logo and the names of deceased Associates inscribed in the stone by decades. Eighty-five Associates have died since 1985, and their names are listed according to the decade in which they passed. We are blessed by their relationship and their commitment to Dominican life and mission. The monument was installed at Sinsinawa Oct. 13.
Happy anniversary to all Associates and thank you for your gift of relationship! When you are in the area and perhaps when life becomes less challenging and visits to the Mound can resume, please stop by, sit on the bench, and pray in thanksgiving for these women and men who have gone before us and for all our current Associates and those still to come. The Leadership Council planned a blessing and dedication of the monument on Founder’s Day, Nov. 4, 2020.