2020 Dominican Month for Peace Introduction: Ukraine
Dominican Family,
Thursday, November 19, was the Memorial of St. Josaphat, the beloved patron saint of Ukraine. It is an appropriate time to announce that soon we begin the Dominican Month for Peace: Ukraine. Please consider including the plight of the people of Ukraine in mass petitions each week of Advent. I will share some information of the ministry of Dominicans in Ukraine in the midst of a war that rages on for over five years. Soon I will announce weekly reflections, a special zoom webinar during December on Ukraine, and much more.
Click here for more information on the 2020 Dominican Month for Peace.

As you may remember, The Dominican Month for Peace is an annual event of the Dominican Family initiated by the Master of the Order after the 2016 Jubilee celebration of the 800th anniversary of the Order of Preachers. In the spirit of St. Dominic, it aims to show solidarity with Dominicans promoting peace in a world torn by many forms of violence and war.
In 2017, we showed our solidarity with Dominicans promoting the national peace accord in Colombia.
In 2018, we supported our brothers and sisters struggling for democracy and peace through credible elections in The Democratic Republic of Congo.
In 2019, we focused on India and the plight of indigenous peoples, women’s rights, and enslaved children.
Now, in 2020, we focus on Ukraine and recognize the reestablished Dominican Order after the removal and slaughter of Dominicans and lay leaders in the Communist era. Since April 2014, when following Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity Russia annexed Crimea and launched aggression in the East of Ukraine, the fighting in parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions (collectively called the “Donbas”) between the Ukrainian Army and Russian-backed militia and regular troops has been ongoing. Ukrainians continue to defend their sovereignty despite Russia’s annexation of Crimea and an ongoing war with the Russian-backed militia (or troops) in the East.
Let us pray for lasting peace in Ukraine!
St. Josaphat, pray for us.
St. Dominic, pray for us.