Dominican Sisters of Adrian: Margaret Reyez Becomes Newest Associate

February 11, 2020, Adrian, Michigan – Sisters, Associates, family members, fellow parishioners, and friends of Margaret Reyez gathered at St. Catherine Chapel at the Adrian Dominican Sisters Motherhouse February 8, 2020, to celebrate her Ritual of Acceptance as an Adrian Dominican Associate.
A retired librarian for the Westland, Michigan, School District, Margaret has been involved in her parish, SS. Simon and Jude in Westland, serving as youth minister and sacramental coordinator. It was there that she met Adrian Dominican Sisters Anneliese Sinnott, OP, and Cheryl Liske, OP. She was mentored by Associate Karen McDermott, Sister Cheryl’s sister.
Mary Lach, Director of Associate Life, presided at the ritual, welcoming the assembly and introducing Sister Patricia Harvat, OP, General Council liaison to Associate Life. Sister Patricia invited Margaret to a life based on the Dominican charism, “one of preaching, being one with the Word of God.” This gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church does not belong only to Dominicans,” Sister Patricia said, but to “the entire lay ecclesial community . . . We all work together with the gifts that we have to live out our lifestyle.”

Karen, in formally introducing Margaret, spoke of the time they worked together to prepare Margaret for Associate Life. “Margaret is one of the kindest and most thoughtful women I know, and I believe she’s going to be an asset to Associate Life and to our community.”
Margaret said she chose to become an Adrian Dominican Associate through her year of formation with Karen, learning about the charism and what it means to be a Dominican. She spoke of the inspiration she receives from working with children, adding that “there are many other areas of service that I hope to explore as an Associate.”
Sister Cheryl preached on the Gospel that Margaret chose for the event, the story in Luke about the risen Jesus’ encounter with two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Lk 24:13-35). She shared her own Emmaus story when she first attended Mass at SS. Simon and Jude Church and was invited to the parish’s “High Holy Day of Doughnut Sunday,” the first of many table celebrations she enjoyed at the parish.

Sister Cheryl focused on Margaret, whom she encountered at the parish: “Margaret, who has lived the reality of knowing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread and the fellowship of doughnuts; Margaret, who has discovered Christ in the lives of people, especially young people that others have given up on.”
In speaking of the new Associate, Mary said, “Margaret’s life is a testament to her love of learning and her devotion to her Catholic faith. She has a deep spirituality grounded in the Dominican charism of study, prayer, service, and community.”
Margaret and her late husband, Francisco Reyes, have three children and several grandchildren. She established the Rainbows for All God’s Children, a support group for children who lost a parent through death or divorce, and worked tirelessly in the Red Wagon Literacy Program, which encourages students to read during the summer months. She continues to volunteer at Greenfield Village in Detroit, portraying a 19th century school teacher.