‘Dominican Sisters of Peace Associate Yahaira Rose Honored as a Distinguished Hispanic Ohioan’

Columbus, OH – Dominican Sisters of Peace Associate and Staff Member Yahaira Rose was honored as a Distinguished Hispanic Ohioan at a gala dinner on October 26, 2019. The Distinguished Hispanic Ohioan award is presented by the Ohio Latino Affairs Commission, whose goal is to advise the state government on matters affecting Hispanic Ohioans, to connect Latinx communities across the state, and to build the capacity of Latino community organizations across the state of Ohio.
Yahaira was the only Columbus resident chosen for this honor.
Yahaira is a native of Puerto Rico who immigrated to the United States after graduating from high school. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature and Education from the Ohio State University, and a Master’s Degree in Professional Studies with a specialization in Leadership Development from the University of Denver.
Yahaira Rose serves as Director of the Dominican Sisters of Peace Martin de Porres Center, as a Coordinator of the Congregation’s Nonviolence Grant Coordinator through the Catholic Health Initiatives, and as founder and Director President of Proyecto Mariposas, a Central Ohio non-profit organization that provides an environment of learning, sharing and support to Latina Girls and their mothers.
“It is a great honor to be recognized by the Ohio Commission of Hispanic and Latino Affairs,” Yahaira said. “This award recognizes representation, community and engagement by Hispanic/Latino Ohioans. I am energized and inspired by the work that goes into our city of Columbus and cities around us. The achievements of our non-violence programs are just one example of how when we work together, we grow together.
“One of the Commitments of the Dominican Sisters of Peace is to promote justice through solidarity with those who are marginalized, especially women and children. Yahaira’s work with youth and families helps them live better, more peaceful lives, and we are so proud of her,” said Sr. Pat Twohill, Prioress of the Dominican Sisters of Peace.