Dominican Sister of Caldwell Gina Scaringella, OP, Makes First Profession of Vows

On August 4th, Sister Regina (Gina) Scaringella, having completed the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate, made First Profession as a Dominican Sister of Caldwell. Profession of vows took place within the context of a Eucharistic Liturgy. Present at Mass were Gina’s Dad, Sal, her brothers and members of the extended Scaringella family as well as friends and colleagues. Also in attendance were members of the Dominican family with sisters from Sinsinawa, Peace, Amityville, Blauvelt, and Hope as well as Friar Carl Joseph. Many of those present commented on the joy that could be felt. It was made palpable by the singing that filled the chapel. Especially meaningful was the “Dominican Magnificat” sung with harmony and in full voice. As a new member of the Order of Preachers, Gina’s breaking open the Word challenged all to respond to the call which each one has been given. Standing with Sister Patrice, both holding the Constitutions of the congregation, Gina professed her vows. All responded to her witness with sustained applause. May there be many more days of joy and celebration in Gina’s life as a Dominican Sister.