Dominican Sister of Caldwell Gerardine Mueller, OP, Honored by SOAR!

At the recent New York Awards Dinner for SOAR! (Supporting our Aging Religious) held at the New York Athletic Club, Sister Gerardine Mueller was presented with the Father Victor Yanitelli, SJ, Award for devoting her life to sacred art, the training and mentoring of students of all ages in the arts, and her remarkable ability to bring out the best in each of the artists she has helped develop. Cardinal Tobin and many of our sisters, associates and friends attended the evening. Fellow awardees included Father Edwin Leahy, OSB, Headmaster at St. Benedict’s Prep (Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Award) and members of the Notre Dame Clubs of the Archdiocese of New York (Dorothy Day Award).
Sister Gerardine has an enormous range of work, including calligraphy and illumination, printmaking, wood carving, sculpture, pottery, silversmithing, glass etching, and stained glass. Her work can be found throughout our Motherhouse, St. Catherine’s Healthcare Center, and the campus of Caldwell University where she was responsible for proposing and attaining the first Bachelor of Fine Arts both at Caldwell University and in the state of New Jersey.

While Sister Gerardine no longer leads tours to Central America for artists and students, she, in true Dominican form, is still learning. Sister is an active, weekly participant in a Scripture study group held at the Motherhouse.
Congratulations, Sister Gerardine, on this wonderful recognition by SOAR!
You can read more about Sister Gerardine Mueller here and here.