Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids: ‘Sisters of Earth 2018 Conference’
“Sharing the Wisdom, Shaping the Dream: Creating the Future We Want” (
Sisters of Earth is an informal network of women who share a deep concern for the ecological and spiritual crises of our times and who wish to support one another in work toward healing the human spirit and restoring Earth’s life support systems. It was founded in 1994 by several Catholic Sisters from the U.S. and Canada.

Eight Dominican Sisters for Hope, Adrian, Grand Rapids, and Racine joined another 100 women at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati. The theme of the conference was inspired from Joanna Macy’s concept of Sacred Activism and Active Hope. Jan Stocking and Diza Velasco from the Rockhaven Ecozoic Center led the group through Macy’s process of the Spiral of the Work moving through Gratitude, Honoring our Pain, Seeing with Fresh Eyes, and Going Forth. Each stage was enhanced by ritual actions rooting the movements in mindfulness, nature connections, diversity, and joy.
The balance of the conference was devoted to the works of Congregations and individuals engaged in building ecological sustainable programs with their buildings and lands.
There was great affirmation in the company of others, the music, rituals and in the growth in knowledge and experiences.
Please click here for photos taken by Sue DiTullio (from EarthConnection) of the conference.
By Brigid Clingman, OP (Dominican Sister of Grand Rapids)