Siena Retreat Center: “Integral Ecology” – A Day of Reflection with Linda Gibler, O.P.

Siena Retreat Center is honored to welcome Linda Gibler, OP, a Dominican sister of Houston and the Associate Academic Dean of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, for a day of reflection on Saturday, November 12. This day will probe Pope Francis’ concept of “integral ecology” and what relationality and responsibility ask of the human family today.
S. Linda will draw on three sources of inspiration—Christian theology regarding humanity’s relationship to creation, grace, sin, and God; the “powers of the universe” articulated by Brian Swimme; and Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’. Participants will explore a fresh approach to humanity in relationship to the Whole.
The day of reflection will begin at 9:30am and conclude at 3:30pm. The cost of $35 includes $10 non-refundable deposit and the noon meal.
Linda Gibler, OP, will return to Siena for a weekend retreat, May 19-21, 2017, entitled “Christian Anthropology through a Cosmic Lens”. During this weekend, participants will reflect on what the cosmos, Earth, current events, and Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ are calling us to become.
For more information or to register for either program, visit or call (262)898-2590.