Mount Food Drive Yields Hefty Haul

NEWBURGH, N.Y. – November 2015 – Mount Saint Mary College students donated more than $1,000 worth of food on Monday, November 23, helping to feed local people in need this Thanksgiving.
The initiative, spearheaded by the college’s Campus Ministry, delivered the food to First United Methodist Church on Liberty Street in Newburgh, N.Y. for distribution to local families.
According to Roger May, assistant director of Campus Ministry, students donated about 100 food items over the last week. Additionally, students raised nearly $900 last month during “Spirit of the Mount Week,” which volunteers used to purchase boxed and canned goods.

Mount chaplain Fr. Francis Amodio, O.Carm, was very pleased with the Mount’s commitment to aiding the less fortunate this Thanksgiving.
“At Mount Saint Mary College, according to our mission, we are to educate the whole person,” he said. “When they graduate from the Mount, service will be a value which they would naturally share in their communities.”
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