San Rafael Dominicans Sisters gather for chapter

After a weekend retreat at Santa Sabina Center, the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael convened June 16–20 for their Chapter of Affairs, themed “Wisdom Stands at the Door and Waits.” The sisters enjoyed a rich, full week. They engaged with reports from the prioress general and the chief financial officer that reviewed the significant events of the past five years. They discussed matters of governance and options for managing their blessings of human and material resources. They considered the ways they want to express their mission “to bring the Gospel to bear with depth and compassion on the critical issues of the times,” particularly in collaboration with others.
As a result of their meetings, the sisters affirmed several decisions, including:
- That justice and compassion as core values will provide a lens for decision-making about the use of resources in the service of mission;
- That the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Dominican Order will provide an opportunity for a congregation-wide engagement with and deeper understanding of St. Dominic’s life, spirit and vision so that they can live Dominican religious life more fully in the 21st century; and
- That the Friends of the Sisters program will be expanded to provide more opportunities for friends to participate in prayer, study and ministry.
At the end of chapter, the new leadership team, elected in January at the Chapter of Elections, took office: Sister Maureen McInerney, Prioress General, Sister Carla Kovack, First Councillor, Sister Susan Allbritton, Second Councillor, Sister Abby Newton, Third Councillor and Sister Mary Kieffer, Fourth Councillor.