Edgewood College dedicates new visual and theater arts center
Edgewood College, a Sinsinawa Dominican sponsored institution, dedicated The Stream, a new visual and theatre arts center, on Sept. 22. Events included an open house featuring music, tours of studio and classroom spaces, a performance of The COR Stories, the first work presented in The Black Box, the new theatre, and the exhibition “Ernest Hupeden: Beyond the Forest,” in the Edgewood College Gallery.

“Our congregation’s legacy of the arts is evident in a panel engraved with the names of our Sister artists who have ministered at the college. The panel also shares the history of Sister Mary Nona McGreal’s dream in the 1950s to have a building on campus devoted to the arts,” said Sister Mary Howard Johnstone, OP, vicaress of the Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation. “The spirit of those gathered was true to Edgewood’s motto of ‘Cor ad Cor Loquitur—Heart Speaks to Heart.’”
Located in Madison, Wisconsin, Edgewood College is a liberal arts Catholic college in the Dominican tradition, with 2,500 undergraduate and graduate students. It offers more than 40 academic and professional programs, including master’s degrees in business, education, nursing, and other fields, and a doctoral degree in educational leadership.
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